Harry Petrey
Data Policy Lead, Department of Defense
Mr. Harry Petrey began his current position in September of 2021 and serves as the Chair of the DoD-wide Digital-Policy Working Group. In this capacity, Mr. Petrey is the lead for data management best practices & governance policy for the Department, and concurrently serves as the senior DoD representative to a number of Federal fora (e.g. Federal Chief Data Officer (CDO) Council). Previously, Mr. Petrey was as a leader in Naval Intelligence, managing diverse portfolios and serving as the Intelligence Community (IC) element CDO. In that position, Mr. Petrey provided resource oversight for more than 15 data and analytics programs, worked to leverage IC services and represented Naval Intelligence equities on the IC CDO Council, the Navy’s Data Governance Board and in other diverse venues.
Mr. Petrey began federal civilian service in 2004 as Chief of Innovation and Technology at the Joint Inter-Agency Task Force-South (JIATF-S) setting the gold standard for interagency collaboration. More recently, Mr. Petrey served as the CDO in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) shaping the modernization of information technology portfolios. Prior assignments include Special Advisor at the Office of Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI), Technical Director for the Navy’s Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (TENCAP) program, and the Operations Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) for the Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Command (JCMEC) during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Mr. Petrey is a 2018 graduate of the Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP) and earned a Master’s in National Security and Resource Strategy (weapons concentration) with a minor in Long-term Strategy from the National Defense University in 2017. Mr. Petrey holds a Baccalaureate and Master’s degree from the National Intelligence University and a number of personal and organizational awards. Mr. Petrey resides in Arlington, VA with his wife and daughter.