Date: Thursday | November 21, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM ET
Location: GSA Auditorium at 1800 F St NW, Washington, DC, 20405, Floor 1, Wing 0
Who: Leaders from across the federal government from a diverse group of mission functions (CDOs, CFOs, CIOs, CHCOs, etc.) and other parties who use federal data (industry, academia, etc.)
2024 CDOC Symposium Program Book: Click here for the Program Book for the 2024 CDO Council's "Data Powers Mission: Transforming Business and Mission with Data" Symposium.
Click here to view remarks from Commissioner Martin O'Malley, Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, as provided as a keynote address during the November 21st, 2024 CDO Council Symposium.
Symposium Overview:
Our attendees had the opportunity to discover the transformative power of data in modernizing agency missions and enhancing organizational capabilities. Federal leaders shared exclusive insights on how data drives mission delivery transformation and unlocks untapped potential. Participants also gained a deeper understanding of how the alignment of AI and data management can unleash sustained and responsible value within federal agencies. Please see below for more information regarding the agenda, including the special speakers who provided great insights and discussion.

What is the CDO Council?
The Federal Chief Data Officers (CDO) Council was established by the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, which also requires all federal agencies to appoint a CDO.
- The Council’s vision is to improve government mission achievement and increase the benefits to the Nation through improvement in the management, use, protection, dissemination, and generation of data in government decision-making and operations.
- The CDO Council has 90+ member CDOs from across the Federal government, as well as representatives from OMB, and other key councils and committees.
- The CDO Council has working groups that focus on critical topics and committees that help agencies connect and collaborate. The CDO Council also works with other interagency councils on data related topics and activities.
- The CDO Council engages with the public and private users of Government data to improve data practices and access to data assets.