What is a Chief Data Officer
While there are many roles in the Federal Government that relate to data management, Chief Data Officers (CDOs) have emerged to lead organizational development of processes to leverage the power of data. CDOs enable data driven decision-making in a variety of ways, from providing and leveraging centralized agency analytics capacity to creating tools and platforms that enable self-service across their agencies and for the public. CDOs serve in a central leadership position, with visibility into relevant agency operations, and are positioned highly enough to regularly engage with other agency leadership,including the head of the agency.
Working Groups and Committees
The CDO Council has a number of high-level working groups and committees, which reflect the interests and activities of the Council. The initial list below is expected to grow as the council develops and will evolve as the needs of the CDO community change.
Community News

Phase 2 Implementation of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018: Open Data Access and Management
OMB released guidance to agencies on implementation of the Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary (OPEN) Government Data Act, also known as Title II of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.
CDO Council 2024 Review
2024 shone insight into the future of the CDO Council! Click below for the comprehensive Year-In-Review message from our Chair, Kirsten Dalboe.
2024 CDO Council Survey Results
2024 CDO Council Survey results are in! Thank you to Austin Bazydlo and Keya Gemechu of NIH’s Data Science and AI Application Branch for volunteering your expertise to analyze this year’s results! See more below.
Federal CDO Council Hosts First-Ever Symposium
On November 21, 2024, the CDO Council hosted its inaugural symposium, “Data Powers Mission: Transforming Business and Mission with Data,” drawing over 200 attendees from federal agencies and industry. Keynote speaker SSA Commissioner Martin O'Malley showcased the agency’s SecurityStat initiative, highlighting how data has become integral to improving mission outcomes. The event featured insightful panels on fostering a data-driven culture, the evolving roles of CDOs, CIOs, and CAIOs, and the importance of cross-agency collaboration in leveraging data for mission success.
CDO Council and CISO Council Release Joint Guide on Federal Zero Trust Data Security
Today, the CISO Council and CDO Council released the Federal Zero Trust (ZT) Data Security Guide, a first-of-its-kind document and key deliverable of OMB M-22-09, Moving the U.S. Government Towards Zero Trust Cybersecurity Principles.
CDOC Completion of the Building Trust and FAIRness Into The Process for Finding and Using Government Data Project (FAIRness Project)
The CDOC, in coordination with the Interagency on Council on Statistical Policy and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), submitted final recommendations to update the Federal Data Catalog Schema and proposed a governance framework for allow routine and timely revisions to keep pace with requirements.
2024 CDO Council Award Winners
The CDO Council Awards Program returned for a third year since its inception and continues to successfully spotlight and honor the outstanding work and achievements of individuals and teams throughout the Federal Government who are excelling in the data field. Learn more about this year’s award recipients.
Welcome to the CDO Council’s Newest Executive Committee Members
As we embrace the dawn of a new year, we are thrilled to usher in a wave of change and innovation within our community.